The Spinal: A sustainable productive alternative for Interior Dryland Development of Chilean Central Mediterran area?
The Spinal: A sustainable productive alternative for Interior Dryland Development of Chilean Central Mediterran area?
wca2014-1019 Alejandro Lucero 1,*ALVARO SOTOMAYOR 1FERNANDO MUÑOZ 2JORGE CANCINO 2FRANCIS DUBE 2 1SEDE BIO BIO, INSTITUTO FORESTAL, 2FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS FORESTALES, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCIÓN, CONCEPCIÓN, ChileThe formations constituted by individuals of Acacia caven (Espino) in Chile form a system relevance native vegetation can contribute to the development of dry land areas of the Central Zone of Chile in South America. Specifically Acacia caven trees (Espino) is a legume to fulfill important economic, social and environmental issues within this system, the most features to maintain and improve soil resources, create better conditions for developing local prairie and maintenance and livestock production, also has the ability to generate products such as firewood and charcoal wood energy, contributing to improving the quality of life of rural residents.
However, this resource is highly degraded, and as from the past, is currently under strong human pressure, to convert this system to agriculture and livestock, and for the extraction of biomass as fuelwood and coal.
This paper aims to describe the resource constituted by Acacia caven formations, Espino, existing in central Chile and provide background to allow for displaying the contribution that this resource is able to generate for the productive, environmental and economic central Chile.
In analyzing this information, it has been elucidated that Acacia caven formations can be one of the main sustainable development of dry land areas of Central Chile, to use it as a silvopastoral system, but progress is still required in new lines of inquiry, and mainly in a systemic analysis that optimize and give this resource sustainability.