
Abstract deadline extended

To give interested parties a last chance to contribute to the deliberations, the Organizing Committee of the World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 has decided to extend the deadline for submitting an abstracts to 15 October 2013.

The Congress will feature Keynote Addresses, Plenary Discussions and Breakout Sessions, structured around the business, development and science of agroforestry.

The first day will be devoted to agroforestry systems, income and environmental benefits in South Asia. Subsequent days are arranged around the themes of: Business in the context of science and development, Sustaining development through agroforestry, breakthroughs and innovations, and The integration of science, business and development.

A total of 32 breakout sessions, for which abstracts should be submitted, will consider issues from agroforestry policy through public-private partnerships to the agroforestry of degraded lands. Full details of the agenda are available here.  Submit your abstract here.

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Vigyan Bhavan & Kempinski Ambience

10 - 14 February 2014 Delhi, India
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